2017 Goals

2017 Goals

I wonder how all of your 2016s have been? I know mine has been pretty good but I am excited for 2017 to start now.
There is so much that I have planned for 2017 and I really want it to be a successful year. I am planning to go to university which includes moving far away and meeting tonnes of new people. Of course it will terrifying but it is an adventure I cannot wait to start. Before that though, I have my A-Level exams to complete and 8 months of adventures so lets not get ahead of ourselves.
One of my goals this year is to better document what I get up to during the year. This will include me taking way more photos and writing more things down. I'm thinking of starting an art journal or scrapbook to keep all of my photos and memories in? I haven't quite decided yet though.
One of my next goals for the year is to adopt a healthier lifestyle. I know it's quite broad but I am already working towards one. I always say I'm going to take up running but I never get round to it and I also want to cut out some of the snacks I eat like crisps and replace them with fruit.
Also, I want to 2017 to be the year where I start to be more adventurous. I want to go to new places and try new things. I actually created a 2017 bucket list in my bullet journal which you can see here and it currently consists of 20 things I want to do in 2017. I think I'm also going to make it a new years resolution to try something new every time I go to a restaurant. What do you think?
So those are my main goals for the year. Better document what I get up to, adopt a healthier lifestyle and be more adventurous. What are your goals for 2017? Let me know in the comments down below.
I would also like to take this opportunity to wish you a very happy new year and I hope that it is full with adventures, good times and positivity!
I hope you have a great day and an even better 2017!

2017 Bullet Journal Spreads

2017 Bullet Journal Spreads

Bullet journaling is my newest addiction that I discovered in 2016 and I shall definitely be carrying it on through to 2017! I just recently finished creating my newest bullet journal spreads for 2017 so of course I wanted to share them with you!

First off is my 2017 divider. I was searching for inspiration on the interenet but I thought a wreath was too unoriginal so instead I created this mandala pattern! It took me a little while but I can't decide if I want it to stay a circle or fill the whole page?

Bullet Journal 2017

Next is my year long future log. It is four months per page and is in the style of a table. The left columns are the four months where I will write the date. The centre column is where I will write the event and the right column is where I shall mark if the event has been schedule in my monthly log.

Bullet Journal Future Log

Bullet Journal Future Log
To the right of the above page is my birthday page. I got inspiration for this design on Pinterest and thought it was much easier than adding them to my future log. I really love this page because of the rainbow colour scheme!
Bullet Journal Birthdays
The next page is my 2017 bucket list which currently consists of 20 things I want to do in 2017. I also left room at the bottom of the page in case I wanted to add more! As you can tell, I want it to be quite an adventurous year!
Bullet Journal Bucket List

The final collection I created is my savings goals page. It is basically two piggy banks with coins falling into them. As I put the set amount into my savings account, I will colour in the coin. To the left, there are 20 coins, representing £50 each and to the right there is 50 coins representing £20 each. I would love to have filled or be close to filling each coin on this page by the end of the year!

Bullet Journal Savings

(I spent ages trying to draw piggy banks but I couldn't manage it so I just traced some instead! Shhh!)
Hopefully I've given you some inspiration for your 2017 spreads! Which one is your favourite?
I hope you have an amazing day and an even better 2017!

2016: A Reflection

2016 A Reflection

2016. What a year! I will definitely remember it as a good one - I am so proud of everything I have achieved and I have made a lot of amazing memories!
For todays post, I have created a timeline of all the big things I did this year. (The ones I can currently remember anyway!) I'll also attach some of my favourite pictures of the year to give you a little sneak peak into my life and what I got up to!

  • I went on a school trip to Dorset from the 18th - 20th of March.

  • My nephew Arthur was born on the 7th of May at 3:35.

  • I really began to kick-start my blog, and did my first ever collab with VieAvecCharlotte on the 12th of June.

  • I celebrated 1 year anniversary with my boyfriend Jack on the 23rd of June.

  • I went on a weekend hike/camp with Rangers from the 5th - 6th of August. 

  • I achieved an A in AS-Geography and a B in AS Maths, receiving my results on the 18th of August!

  • I went on an amazing holiday to Florida from the 11th - 25th of August where my childhood dream of walking down Diagon Alley came to life!

  • My brother came home from his year abroad in Australia on the 27th of August.

  • I started my bullet journal on the 11th of September.

  • I went to 6 university open days, including Derby and Teeside in the same day on the 19th of October.

  • I applied to them on the 17th of November and got offers from all, two of which were unconditional.

  • I applied for around 50+ Jobs and finally did one shift at my first (sort of) job on the 28th of October. I then received a call from my first (proper) job on the 29th of December.

  • I won an iPad from a university open day on the 22nd of December!

One of my regrets this year is actually how little I documented what I did! I wish I made more of a effort to remember everything I did and achieved in 2016. This will definitely be something I will try to do more of in 2017. 
Apparently January, February and July were a blur... or I just did nothing exciting!
What was your favourite month this year? Mine was probably August or December! Let me know in the comments down below!
I hope you have an amazing day and an even better 2017!

Blogmas 2016 Roundup

Blogmas 2016 Roundup

I'm actually quite sad that Blogmas is nearly over - only 3 more posts to go!
I've actually found the challenge quite rewarding and fun to do. I feel like I have achieved a blogging goal!
I started out with the determination to post everyday of December, until the 31st and I have done that successfully, having not missed a single day! I'm also quite proud because I focused equally on quality as well as quantity and am really happy with the content I have created!
To celebrate the near end of this blogging journey, I have created the master list of posts I have created. Please feel free to check out all the ones that sound interesting you - it would make my day!
  1. Blogmas 2016 Post Roundup
I'd love to know what your favourite post of Blogmas has been! Let me know in the comments down below!
I hope you  have an amazing day and an even better new year!

12 Things To Do Before New Year

12 Things To Do Before New Year

With 2017 quickly approaching and Christmas celebrations being almost over, I think it's about time I started to prepare for the new year.

I've actually made a massive checklist of things I need to get done before January starts so I thought I'd share some of them with you. They are just general tasks that will hopefully put you in a good position to start the year fresh.

1. File Letters and Paperwork

This one is a really important step because there is nothing worse than getting behind on paperwork. Sorting through it will put you in a good place for next year and put you in a good position to keep on top of it.

2. Put Away Your Christmas Presents

If you haven't already, make sure you do this. Everything needs to have a home otherwise it will just become clutter.

3. Clear Out Your Emails

I'm pretty certain everyone's email needs a deep clean. Delete all the spam, deals you no longer want and emails that are no longer relevant.  If you need the attachments, just save them and delete the email. Also, don't forget to unsubscribe to things that aren't useful or relevant anymore.

4. Complete Outstanding Tasks

Get those to do lists cleared. Now. Every little job you kept saying you needed to do, do. Whether that be fixing that wonky shelf or returning clothes that don't fit - do it!

5. Sort Through Your Wardrobe and Shoes

What better time than now to have a clear out of your clothes. Find everything you didn't wear this year and donate it to charity - and be brutal

6. Sort Through Your Phone

For me, this is probably one of the most important things on the list. Just completely clear out your phone. Delete all of the apps that make you procrastinate, transfer your photos to a computer and delete the messages you'll probably never read again.

7. Create Your New Year Bujo Spreads

This task only really applies if you have a bullet journal (if not, consider it!) But one of the essentials before the new year is to set up your spreads. The monthly spreads, future logs, etc...

8. Sort Through Your Computer Documents

Delete old work that you won't need to reference, sort through your photos and file the documents you need into folders. Do this for all your memory sticks too!

9. Sort Through Other Electronics

The others I mentioned are the most important but don't neglect your other electronics. Clear your recordings on your TV, delete songs you don't like any more from your iPod and sort through that tangled pile of wires.

10. Declutter and Deep Clean Your Space

Whether this be your entire house or just your bedroom, give it a really deep clean. Go through everything you own and do one of the following: Use it up; throw it away; donate it to charity; sell it or give it a permanent home.

11. Plan For The Year Ahead

This could encompass a lot of things but it's important that you start the year with a plan. Plan for your savings, your studying, or your fitness. Whatever is important in your life.

12. Set Some New Year Goals

I think we've all learnt the hard way that new years resolutions aren't the easiest to follow but I like the idea of setting new year goals instead. Something to achieve by the end of the year, rather than something vague. I like the idea of setting one for every month so by the end, you'll have completed 12 goals you set the year before.

Hopefully you found this post resonably helpful and that you had an amazing Christmas!

I hope you have a great day and an even better new year!

2016 Post Roundup

Happy boxing day guys! I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and aren't too sad that's it's over! Today I have created a 2016 roundup post for you guys. I've put together a massive list of all of my favourite blog posts that I have created this year. Some didn't make the cut but you can easily check them out in my archive. So here we have it:

My 2016 Post Roundup




Bullet Journal





I'd love to know if you have a favourite on this list? It would make my day to know you've read it! The most viewed post of the year was Starting My Bullet Journal. Perhaps you guys would like to see more of my bullet journal posts?
I hope you have an amazing day and an even better 2017!

Have A Holly Jolly Christmas!

Merry Christmas Everyone!
I'll keep this post short and sweet because I know how busy Christmas day can be! I just thought I would take the time to wish you all an amazing Christmas. Thank you so much for reading and I wish you the happiest of days today!
Just remember, how blessed you are on this day. Remember to be grateful for everything you receive and for all of the people that surround you! Whether you're surrounded by friends and family or off doing something crazy, just remember you are so very lucky! Lucky to be doing what you are doing, lucky to be safe in the comfort of your home, lucky to have a life worth living. Lucky to have people that care about you, lucky to have food to eat and lucky to love and be loved.
I hope you have the most amazing of Christmases and remember how blessed you are.
Merry Christmas to you all!

My Plan For Christmas Eve

My Plan For Christmas Eve

Guys the big day is tomorrow! 23 blog posts later and we are finally here! Let's just say, I'm probably over excited for someone my age but who cares! It's Christmas!

I was a actually a little stuck for a blog post idea today. If I had done any present, preparation or other such post then my efforts would have been wasted. Because the only person I know that leaves things this late is my dad! So today I thought I'd give you a little insight into my day and how I will be spending my Christmas Eve!
  1. Revision - I know, how dull! But because I won't be doing any tomorrow or on Boxing Day, I need to get as much done as I can! I have mock exams coming up in January and I am trying to take them as seriously as the real thing!
  2. Prepping blog posts - another exciting one, I know! This is just a precaution because I'm pretty certain I won't have time to write a post tomorrow or the day after so I'm getting them ready for you!  That way, you guys won't go without and I'll be ahead of my blogmas game!
  3. Watching the Polar Express - this is my go to Christmas Eve film so of course I have to watch it! It really sets the mood for Christmas Day don't you think?
  4. Indulging in a bath and lots of chocolate! - I feel like Christmas Day is quite a manic one so I have this weird thing where I like to properly relax on Christmas Eve. I'll be running myself a hot bath (maybe with a cheeky bath bomb) and munching on lots of chocolate, as well as drinking hot chocolate too! (During the hot chocolate song of polar express - of course!)
  5. Put on my fluffy pyjamas and early to bed - I very much have a child's mentality when it comes to this - the earlier you fall asleep, the less time you have to wait until it's Christmas!

How will you be spending your Christmas Eve? Let me know in the comments down below!

I hope you have a very merry Christmas and a happy new year!

Dear Santa... Help Them, Not Me.

Dear Santa

Dear Santa...
I know it's been a long time since I've written to you but this year I have something big to ask.
Instead of coming down my chimney this year, do you think you could visit some of those children in countries less fortunate than mine? Go and spread some happiness to those that have very little and want nothing more than to be safe. For those are the people that deserve it and need it the most. Please Santa, can you help me to show them the love that we are so often and generously given. Help them to remember the happiness that they have likely forgotten. No child, no matter how naughty or nice, should have to see the horrors they have seen but I know, that they will continue to witness such things. Even on Christmas day. The 'happiest' day of the year.
Santa, please can you tell them that I'm sorry. I'm sorry there is so little I can do for them but I really am trying my best. Tell them I'm sorry I'm sitting here writing this, instead of making a difference. But I don't know how you see. For Santa, I am here and they are there. In what seems like an entirely different world. This is why I am asking this of you. You see, if I had a sleigh that could fly around the world in a night, I'd have them all safe and sound by now. I'd try to stop that hurt and pain that they go through every day. But that is what I am worried about. I don't possess such magic and that is what we need. Magic. For this problem is too large, too twisted, too wrong. There's nothing I alone can do.
So please Santa, help them, not me.
Merry Christmas Santa,
Good Luck.
Freya x

43 Blogmas Post Ideas

43 Blogmas Post Ideas

I really hope everyone has been enjoying Blogmas so far! It's been hard work but I'm managing to keep up!

As a little treat for all you bloggers out there, I've created the master list of Blogmas post ideas! Some I've already done, some I haven't and others I have panned for the next few days! Of course, I'll keep that a mystery though! So here you have it: 43 Blogmas Post Ideas!
  1. Blogmas Introduction
  2. Christmas Recipes
    1. Hot Chocolate
    2. Eggnog
    3. Gingerbread
    4. Cookies
    5. Mince Pies
  3. Christmas Wrapping Inspiration
  4. Your Christmas Wrapping
  5. DIY Christmas Wrapping
  6. DIY Cards
  7. Your Christmas Cards
  8. Your Christmas Decorations
  9. DIY Christmas Decorations
  10. Decoration Inspiration
  11. Christmas Day OOTD
  12. Winter OOTD
  13. Winter Outfit Inspiration
  14. Christmas Make Up Look
  15. Christmas Nail Inspiration
  16. Gifts For Him
  17. Gifts For Her
  18. Stocking Stuffers for Her
  19. Stocking Stuffers for Him
  20. Secret Santa Gifts (Under £5/£10)
  21. Gift Guides
    1. For the blogger
    2. For the gardener
    3. For the doctor who fan
    4. For the car lover
    5. For the animal lover
    6. For the crafter
    7. etc...
  22. Blogmas Bullet Journal Spreads
  23. Christmas Bullet Journal Spreads
  24. New Year Bullet Journal Spreads
  25. Winter Bucket List
  26. New Year Bucket List
  27. New Year's Resolutions
  28. A Day in the Life
  29. Photo Diary
  30. Christmas Playlist
  31. Movies To Watch
  32. What You Love About Christmas
  33. What You Hate About Christmas
  34. Printable Gift Tags
  35. Printable Table Settings
  36. Downloadable Phone/Computer Background
  37. Dear Santa...
  38. The True Meaning of Christmas
  39. Christmas Quotes
  40. Festive Blogger Tag
  41. Festive Blog Posts
  42. Festive YouTube Videos
  43. How You Found Blogmas
If you're doing Blogmas this year, I'd love to catch up so please let me know in the comments and I'll be sure to follow along!

I hope you have a very merry Christmas and a happy new year!

FREE Christmas Phone Wallpaper

Free Christmas Phone Wallpaper

I am so pumped for Christmas now, its unreal! School has finished and there are already presents under the tree! As a present to all you lovelies, I have a FREE Christmas phone wallpaper for you!

I originally created it as part of a different project but adjusted the design to create this fabby phone wallpaper for you!
FREE Christmas Phone Wallpaper

You can either save the image above or click this link to access it via Google Drive. It's super quick and easy to download and shouldn't take up much memory space either - I hope you enjoy!

I would love to know what you think of the design! Let me know in the comments below!

I hope you have a very merry Christmas and a happy new year!

My Christmas and Birthday Card Tradition

I thought I'd share with you guys one of my little habits that I started doing a few years ago. Basically, I have a huge collection of stickers that I stick on the back of birthday and Christmas cards. I do it habitually now. Whenever I seal an envelope, I stick one on the back to finish it off.
It might be weird but I think it's pretty cute and people usually comment on it positively!

This year for my Christmas cards I used these Christmas stickers that I bought in our local super market. Some of them are 3D and others are flat and shiny but I love them!

These are some of the stickers that I use for birthday cards. They are all from Paperchase (because I am addicted...) and they all have a 3D effect. My favourite's are the square monsters on the right of the picture!
Is this habit weird? Who knows... or cares!
I hope you have a very merry Christmas and a happy new year!

My Christmas Wrapping and Cards

Six more days to go! Six more days until Christmas! I'm so excited guys! The big day(s) are nearly here! Yes, Christmas eve and boxing day are also very important to me...
I have been so prepared this year - all my presents are wrapped and all my cards have been written and given out! So, in order to commemorate this unusual (for me anyway,) planning, I thought I'd give you guys a little insight into my present wrapping and Christmas cards.
First off we have my Christmas presents. I actually pinched this wrapping paper from my mum because I saw it and loved it so naturally, I had to "borrow" it... for all my presents... until there was none left...!

This present was more of a monochrome look, and I tried to do this for most of my presents if I had time. The bow was actually made of black craft paper because I had no access to real black ribbon but I think it gives a pretty dramatic effect!

This next present is the look I went for when I was running out time (and patience) with my wrapping. Instead of making the bows, I just added a little red ribbon around the present and added a DIY gift tag instead. I have this really awesome snowflake whole puncher which meant I could make them really easily.

These beauties are the tiny Christmas cards I gave out to a few of my friends this year. I only really needed to buy one pack but the pack I bought was in support of Macmillan. This meant that for the pound that I spent on the cards, 30p would be donated to charity. I know that doesn't sound a lot but imagine if everyone that bought a pack of cards, bought a charity pack. The charity would make hundreds of pounds! I spoke about this little act of kindness in a previous post because it is just a little something I did this year to help others around me.
So now you know what my Christmas wrapping and cards look like this year! There is a black and grey colour scheme running throughout as you can see. I didn't actually put that much time into wrapping and card writing this year which is unlike me. Maybe it's because I've become so skilled at it that I get it finished fast!
I hope you have a very merry Christmas and a happy new year!

My Bedroom Christmas Decs

At my house, we have had our Christmas decorations up since the first week of December. So I should have given you guys a little sneak peak into my bedroom weeks ago but instead I've left you to wait until now - Sorry!


This is my tiny little Christmas tree in my room. It's falling to pieces though and the baubles need replacing... Also, if you look really closely, you can see the reflection of me talking the photo! Oops!

I also like to stick all the cards I get on my wall because they make me happy, but I've only got three so far so hopefully I'll get more soon.
As I'm writing this, I've been thinking to myself - I really need to get some more decorations for next year but then I remembered, I'll be at university next Christmas! How crazy!
How have you decorated your room this year? Let me know in the comments!
I hope you have a very merry Christmas and a happy new year!

Christmas Dislikes

Okay so don't get me wrong, Christmas truly is the most wonderful time of the year but I think we all have to admit there are some things about it that we dislike.
Seeing as I created a post about everything I love about Christmas, it seems only sensible I make one about my Christmas dislikes.

1. How commercialised it has become.

I think pretty much everyone in existence is bombarded with Christmas marketing campaigns. I feel like businesses just use it as a way to make more money, rather than focusing on using Christmas for the better. They could use it as a way to support and encourage charity campaigns but instead it has just become a marketing strategy!

2. How early people start celebrating it.

Literally as soon as September starts and summer is basically over, Christmas is just there, lurking in the background. I mean, selling Christmas cards in September? Really? Decorations in early November? Christmas isn't a season long ordeal!

3. How it takes away from Halloween and Fireworks Night!

I don't know if everyone is going to agree with me here but I love the autumn celebrations of Halloween and Fireworks Night! In fact, fireworks is basically on par with Christmas for me! So when October starts and people start talking about Christmas, I'm just there like: "Uh, Hello? Spooky Fireworks are still to come!"

4. The cost of it all.

I know far too many people that struggle with the cost of Christmas. People are so focused on it that it puts way to much financial pressure on people! I know both myself and my parents get overwhelmed with the cost of Christmas, especially when you want everything to be perfect!

5. How far in advance you have to prepare.

I envy those that willingly leave their Christmas preparations to the last minute! If I leave it later than the second week of December then I already feel like I'm behind! I think I enjoy planning too much to leave it that late!

6. How it is so focused on presents.

I think people often forget the true meaning of Christmas. I don't mean in the religious sense because I'm not religious at all, but the values that underpin it all. People are so focused on presents at Christmas time, they forget to think about those less fortunate, they forget about the importance of family time and they forget about the joy and happiness of it all! Instead, it's all focused on what expensive presents you buy or receive and how extravagant you are.

7. Those Bah Humbug People!

I know this post has been pretty negative but in the great scheme of things, I am a massive Christmas lover! One of the worst things about Christmas is those people that just don't embrace it and instead remain negative about it all! Bah Humbug to you I say!
I hope this post wasn't too negative for you all! I love the festive season and there are so many amazing things about it! But, I thought I would highlight some of the negative's of the season in order to shed some light on the problems it can cause.
Just remember to think of those less fortunate and try your best to make the festive a positive time, rather than a stressful one!
I hope you have a very merry Christmas and a happy new year!

14 Songs To Add To Your Christmas Playlist

How is everyone feeling that Christmas is just 9 days away! It has come around so fast! I am feeling so prepared this year, all the presents have been wrapped and cards are ready to write! Check me out, I know!
For day 16 of Blogmas, I've created a list of my favourite Christmas songs. These are obviously alongside the classics from Wham! and Shakin' Stevens but we all know those songs!

Shake Up Christmas - Train
Santa Tell Me - Ariana Grande
Underneath The Tree - Kelly Clarkson
Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas - Sam Smith
Do They Know It's Christmas? - Band Aid 30
All I Want For Christmas Is You - Mariah Carey
Christmas (Baby Please Come Home) - Michael Buble
Driving Home For Christmas - Chris Rea
One More Sleep - Leona Lewis
Santa Baby - Kylie Minogue
Christmas Lights - Coldplay
Jingle Bells - Michael Buble
Mistletoe - Justin Bieber
Sleigh Ride - Ronettes

What's your favourite song on this Christmas playlist? Let me know in the comments!

I hope you have a very merry Christmas and a happy new year!

Fantastic Gifts And Where To Find Them

Harry Potter Gift Guide
Today's post is dedicated to all those Harry Potter fans out there. (Shout out to you, I love you!)
I'm a huge Harry Potter fan myself and if I received any of these presents then I would be over the moon! But, I do already have a couple of them so be careful - us Harry Potter fangirls can be a bit over the top sometimes!
The image above is my harry potter gift guide that shows you a selection of fantastic gifts and where to find them. (See what I did there?!) Just click on the item below and it'll take you to the online shop that sells them!

I could have added so many more things to this list but I was already getting a little carried away with myself at this point! Just type into Google the different houses, (Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin for all you muggles,) and it'll come up with hundreds of different Harry Potter gift ideas!
My favourite gifts on the list are the jumper, the snitch bracelet and Dobby art, what about yours? Let me know in the comments down below!
I hope you have a very merry Christmas and a happy new year!

Festive Blogger Tag

I have never actually done a tag on this blog before, well because I've never been tagged in any! So to change this, I thought I'd make one of my own: The Festive Blogger Tag!

It's pretty much a set of questions related to Christmas that I will answer and then, what I want you to answer! So here goes.

Do you prefer OTT decorations or just a few?

Definitely OTT, I go full out at Christmas already so I can't wait to have my own house to decorate!

What's your favourite Christmas movie?

My all time favourite is Polar Express which I watch only on Christmas eve but my second favourite would probably be Unaccompanied Minors, which is about a bunch of kids in an airport on Christmas eve!

What's your favourite festive food?

Mince Pies of course!

Are you good/bad at present wrapping?

I'd like to think I'm pretty good at it! I do go a little over the top sometimes but it's just so fun!

What's your least favourite thing about Christmas?

Hmm, probably the cost to be honest! I legit have to save my money to be able to afford any Christmas presents!

What's your favourite Christmas song?

All I want for Christmas is a banger but I really enjoy Michael Buble's Christmas (Baby Please Come Home).

Where/how do you usually spend your Christmas?

It changes every year really, I'm usually at my mum's on Christmas day and my Dad's/ Nan's Boxing day, but last year, I travelled to my Auntie's to spend Christmas day with her because my Step Dad was working. This year though I'm spending it at my Dad's in the morning and my Mum's in the evening!

How did you find out about the Santa secret?

To tell you the truth, I don't really remember! But I'd love to know how everyone else found out!

Do you have a new years' resolution? Do you think you'll stick to it?

I haven't actually sussed out exactly what my resolution will be but I do have one every year and usually stick to it pretty well!

Do you have a favourite Christmas memory?

Hmm, this is hard because I have so many but to be honest with you, just the family get togethers and sitting round the tree are what I will always remember!

I'd really love to hear your responses! Either Answer the questions in the comments below or copy the questions over to your blog!

I hope you have a very merry Christmas and a happy new year!

Gift Wrapping Inspiration

Gift Wrapping Inspiration

Wrapping presents is one of the most satisfying things about Christmas. Am I right or am I right?
Spending an entire evening, listening to Christmas music and decorating all of the thought-out gifts I have bought is just one of the best feelings ever! But of course, the outside has to be as awesome as the inside!
I have made a collection of the cutest and most satisfying-looking gift wraps that I could find. There is something about them all that just caught my eye!
Gift Wrapping Inspiration

Gift Wrapping Inspiration
Gift Wrapping Inspiration
Gift Wrapping Inspiration
Source - Fellow Fellow - Free Printable Guys!
Gift Wrapping Inspiration
Gift Wrapping Inspiration
Gift Wrapping Inspiration
Gift Wrapping Inspiration
Gift Wrapping Inspiration
Source - Untraceable
I think the best ideas to take away from these are the extravagant DIY present toppers, the gold and black colour scheme and the excessive use of different ribbons! I'm praying for the weekend to come so I can get creative!
P.S. Definitely check out all the sources, I found some fab blogs while collating these!
I hope you have a very merry Christmas and a happy new year!