Blogging - Starting Out

As you've either already realised from my limited range of content, or you're now discovering after browsing through my posts, I have only just started this blog and it has become an increasing, recent interest of mine. I have decided that I want to learn some new skills, develop a new hobby, and keep myself busy by creating content to put out there for the world to see. And as I'm also sure you can tell, I'm a complete newbie; I've never done this before and I have limited knowledge of the blogging world but that is what I am set out to conquer. I wish to become a better writer, photographer and designer and I hope to do that by creating content for this blog.
Let me start off by introducing myself and my intentions for this blog. My name is Freya and I'm a young student that is currently studying 4 A-levels: Maths, English Language, ICT and Geography. Though my future career choice is shrouded in mystery, I do know that I am an aspiring traveller and that my biggest dream, (as cliché as it may sound,) is to travel to countries across the world, experience different cultures and see the beautiful sights that this world has to offer. But while I'm stuck in my monotonous town in England, studying subjects that don't particularly excite me, I've decided to take up blogging to keep me interested in the meantime. Don't worry, I have no intention of this become a temporary blog; In fact, I hope to keep this going for a very long time.
I plan to post content regularly for you guys, that is of some purpose or value, whether that be for you or for me. I also hope to update my blog's design often until I find a design that I'm one hundred percent satisfied with and even then, I'm likely to change it around every so often
to keep it looking fresh. At this present moment in time though, it would be greatly appreciated if you would bare with me while I edit and change things around as I'm just starting out.
As a newbie to all of this, I am also asking a favour of you. I was hoping that you'd be able to help me out by sharing any content that you enjoy, spreading the word about my blog, and keep coming back regularly to find any new content that I post. I'd also welcome any feedback that you'd be willing to offer; One constructive comment, from someone anonymous could easily make my day! Similarly, if you also run a blog or simply wish to help me out with the creation of content, I'd love to hear about any ideas you may have, or even create a collaborative post with you.
Feel free leave a comment down below or send me an email:

I hope you have a great day and if it's your birthday, happy birthday!
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