My Handwriting

So for today's post I thought I would give you a little insight into something very unique and personal to me: My handwriting. It varies from person to person which is why I thought it might be interesting to share it with you. Seeing as I've never seen another blogger do this sort of post before, I thought I'd give it a try and share with you this little part of my life.

So this is what my handwriting looks like. I'd probably describe it as being quite simple and rounded. I'm strange in that I don't ever join up my handwriting because I find it makes my writing look a lot more messy, (personal preference,) and harder to read. For those reasons, I also don't use fancy flicks or swirls in my writing because it takes more effort than I think its worth.
If you actually read my writing then you'd know that my writing is fairly small and rarely fills up the whole height of the line. So much so that I purposely only buy notebooks and pads of paper that are narrow ruled, otherwise I find that I am wasting space and paper which is unnecessary.
The last section of the picture also shows what my writing typically looks like when I'm rushing my writing, for example when I have to write notes in class. I hate the way it looks when its like that because its so much more uneven and wonky which gets on my nerves, but sometimes its necessary.
I also find that I write differently when using different pens, (I hope that's not just me,) which is probably due to the way I hold my pen. Most people have a 'writers bump' but a cool fact about be is that I actually have two, one where the pen rests on my middle finger and another where my pinky rests on the paper. Weird huh?
I thought I'd also give you some more examples of what my handwriting looks like when I'm not actually thinking about it. Here are some pictures of my school books and revision notes:

I also did a little research into what my handwriting says about me and I found a really interesting infographic on the Daily Mail which explains what some of the different elements of your handwriting mean. According to this, I am 'well adjusted and adaptable' for having an average handwriting size. I am also quite 'intrusive and don't like being alone' as the spaces between my words are quite small. Also, as my letters are fairly rounded, I am apparently quite 'creative and artistic'. I'm not sure how accurate all of this is but I thought it was quite interesting to find out.
So now you know what my handwriting looks like I'd love to know what yours does too! I challenge you to write your own handwriting post and have a look into what your hand writing says about you! Also, if you've read or written a post like it, please let me know in the comments down below.
I hope you have a great day, and if its your birthday, happy birthday!

1 comment:

  1. Your handwriting is so neat! Mine gets so messy when I am at school aha xx
